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Ready-to-Eat Meals in Blainville


With a choice of 4 formats: Individual - For 2 - Small Family - Family Size

Simple, Tasty Ready-to-Eat Meals in Blainville

Rosette prêt-à-manger is the place to go for a gourmet break in Blainville. Nassrallah Mike and his team offer a range of ready-to-eat meals that combine simplicity and taste.

Every week, the restaurant offers a variety of menus designed to satisfy your every whim, whether you're looking for a quick lunch or a business dinner.

These ready-to-eat dishes are prepared with quality ingredients, guaranteeing delicious, healthy meals. In addition to ready-to-eat meals, the restaurant offers a catering service for events and lunch boxes.

Healthy, delicious ready-to-eat meals in Blainville.

Ready-to-eat meals Blainville

Looking for ready-to-eat meals? Visit Nassrallah Mike's bistro in Blainville.

Our Services
  • Ready-to-eat Meals
  • Pizzeria
  • Event Catering Services
  • Lunch Boxes
  • Event Venue Rental
Our Guarantees
  • Quality
  • Professionalism
  • Diversified Menus
  • Ready-to-Eat Formula
  • Blainville

Ready-to-Eat Formulas for All Occasions

Whether you're planning a family meal, a business lunch or a snack for a 5 to 7, Rosette prêt-à-manger can meet your needs. The bistro invites you to sample dishes that will satisfy every taste bud, from the simplest to the most discerning gourmet.

You'll appreciate the balance of flavors and the meticulous presentation of the plates. To complete the experience, Rosette prêt-à-manger also has a pizzeria on site, as well as a room to rent for your events.

Rosette prêt-à-manger is a restaurant of choice for all your culinary adventures in Blainville

Ready-made meals Blainville